Thanksgiving 2014

Thanksgiving and Xmas are the two holidays that our family always celebrate together, in person, at our parents’ house, so Justtwomorethings and I flew home for the holiday. And yes, family includes the kitties, so the melon came with.

This was his first time on a plane–poor little melon was very scared and nervous around the crowds, but he was very good and quiet, and even got smiles from the TSA officials at the security checkpoint. Then he got spoiled rotten by our parents (less so by his little fuzzy auntie Mia, but Mango is content to just stare at her adoringly in a slightly stalker-ish fashion).

Aviary Photo_130619544396252534

The Thanksgiving dinner (well, actually lunch) was delicious as always. The yummy stalwarts of Dad’s roast chicken and Mom’s stuffing and cranberry sauce was there, but Mom added homemade mashed potatoes, guacamole and cherry wine into the mix. Needless to say, we passed out in a food coma for the rest of the day.

Post-Thanksgiving Haze

As usual, Thanksgiving feast was so delicious that I forgot to photograph it in the middle of first stuffing my face and then falling into a food coma.  However, I did remember to take pictures of the holiday decorations we put up afterwards (our family is a staunch believer in keeping Christmas boxed until at least the day after Thanksgiving.  The tree:

Christmas tree

Christmas tree

And, since it’s our family, extra stockings for the cats.  Plural.  This photo shows one stocking.  For one cat.  There’s a second (not shown).  For the other cat.  They don’t share.

Cat stocking processed

Admittedly, I did bring something home for the cats myself, though it was as much science experiment as indulgence.  It’s a little stuffed toy chipmunk that raises its head and wiggles its butt when you press down on its back.  As a dedicated reader/mocker of entropyenator’s travails with her adorable little serial killer of even smaller animals, I was curious as to whether the toy would trigger any instincts (in Mango or in the other family furball, Mia, who is has been known to snag a big bug or two).  Sadly, nothing past a careful paw-poke and some wary circling of the little chipmunk.

Family cat staredown

Family cat staredown